Letter to EPA - "Ethylene Oxide Risk from Commercial Sterilizers"
This document is an archived letter from ASTA to EPA regarding EPA's “Ethylene Oxide Risk from Commercial Sterilizers” Communications. The letter expresses concerns to Administrator Regan about inaccurate language on the EPA website regarding the risk of commercial sterilizers using ethylene oxide on spices. ASTA requests the immediate correction of these inaccuracies, emphasizing the industry's commitment to reducing emissions while ensuring the safety of spices for American consumers.
04/04/2023 at 5:21 am
Related Resources
ASTA Proposal to EPA’s ChemSAC to Establish Tolerances for Propylene Oxide (PPO) on Turmeric, Ginger, Sesame, and Capsicum
This document is a proposal to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ChemSAC calling for the establishment of tolerances for propylene oxide (PPO) on turmeric, ginger, sesame seeds, and capsicums on the basis of available residue data on other spice commodities to facilitate alternatives to ethylene oxide.
ASTA Comments on OEHHA's Proposed Changes to EtO's No Significant Risk Level (NSRL)
This document is a letter submitted to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) on its proposed lowering of the No Significant Risk Level (NRSL) for ethylene oxide (EtO). ASTA opposes the proposed lowering of the NSRL for EtO for dietary exposure due to scientific evidence and the federal authorization to use EtO for food safety reasons.