Partner with other leaders in the U.S. Spice Industry
For over a century, we have proudly served as the authoritative voice of the U.S. spice industry, representing an extensive network of over 200 members that encompasses growers, dehydrators, and processors of spices.
Our members are responsible for manufacturing and marketing the vast majority of spices sold in the U.S., catering to a diverse range of sectors including industrial, food service, and consumer use. We’re dedicated to providing ongoing opportunities to our members for education and networking, as well as ensuring our members have access to up-to-date and valuable resources.
Join these other proud members
Partner with the premier U.S. spice trade organization
Amplify your voice. Grow your business. Unlock exclusive benefits.
If spices are important to your business, membership is essential

Active Membership
Active Members of ASTA are individuals, firms, and corporations that are involved in the direct production, trade, or sale of spices. These members must be based in or doing business in the United States. Active members are classified as either Brokers and Agents or Importers, Traders, Processors, Growers, or Distributors.

Associate Membership
Associate Members of ASTA are individuals, firms, and corporations that are affiliated with the U.S. spice industry who do not otherwise qualify for Active Membership. Associate Members receive all of the same membership benefits as Active Members, but these members are unable to serve as voting members at our annual meeting or on the board.

Retailer Membership
Retailer Members of ASTA are individuals, firms, and corporations that are primarily engaged in the retail sale of food, including spices or seasonings, directly to consumers and who are not otherwise engaged in the growing, processing, manufacturing, blending, or wholesale trade of spices and seasonings. These members must be based in or doing business in the United States.
Answering your ASTA membership questions
Your membership category is determined by your type of business.
Active Members are generally brokers, agents, importers, traders, processors, blenders, growers, or distributors of spices. Businesses that are either based in or do business in the United States and are directly involved in the various aspects of the spice/seasoning production or trade are eligible for Active Membership.
Associate Members are entities that are affiliated with the U.S. spice industry in some other way. For example, Associate members may provide laboratory, warehousing, or transportation services or sell packaging to spice distributors. Associate members also include CPG and food service companies that use spices in finished food products, as well as NGOs, research institutions, and other organizations that have an interest in the spice trade.
Retailer Members are individuals or entities who sell food, including spices and seasonings, directly to consumers. Retailer members must be based in or doing business in the United States.
Annual membership dues vary according to your member category. Brokers and agents pay a flat fee of $4,200 for the first income producer and an additional fee of $1,050 for each additional income producer. Dues for Importers, Traders, Processors, Growers, or Distributors are assessed on the number of pounds of spices sold to or purchased in the United States and range from $3,120 - $100,000 annually.
Associate Members pay a single, flat fee for membership of $2,500 per year. Retailer Members pay an introductory flat fee of $10,000 for membership.
All membership applications are subject to a non-refundable $250 application fee. Learn more about our fees.
To join ASTA, you need to complete a membership application and submit a non-refundable $250 application fee. You’ll also need to provide two references along with your application. It typically takes 10-15 days to process your application for membership. Learn more about how to join ASTA and download your membership application here.
ASTA members have access to an extensive resource library. Our resource library includes analytical methods, crop reports, technical presentations, sample contracts, guidance documents, and white papers. ASTA also offers ongoing education, newsletters, and programs that help our members run their businesses more effectively and efficiently. Our online member directory, which features searchable company profiles, individual contacts, and custom demographics, is available exclusively to ASTA members.
ASTA staff will determine eligibility for each member category. During the application process, ASTA will review publicly available information such as your company’s website and annual report to determine membership eligibility. Each applicant is also required to provide two references within the spice industry.
In instances where a company qualifies for more than one type of membership, ASTA policy states that they will be required to join ASTA in the category with the highest level of annual dues.
Explore how we can help
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