Health benefits
Helping people live better, healthier lives with spices

Health Benefits

Numerous government agencies and public health authorities recognize the many ways spices contribute to healthy diets and lifestyles. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that spices and herbs can help reduce intakes of added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium, as well as add to the enjoyment of nutrient-dense and cultural eating patterns.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institutes of Health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have noted similar benefits, while also referencing potential disease prevention and management, complementary medicine, and healthy aging advantages.

Spice Science

People have used spices for thousands of years to support health and well-being. A large and growing body of research demonstrates that spices deliver taste, flavor, and diet quality benefits – filling important nutrition gaps. 

Spices Increase Vegetable Intake

Several studies have shown that adding spices and herbs to foods increases vegetable consumption across age groups. 

Spices Help Achieve Dietary Goals

Studies also have shown that spices can help achieve dietary goals for whole grains, legumes, and other healthy foods while replacing or reducing added sugarsodiumfat, and caloriesPublic health nutrition authorities encourage many Americans to lower their intake of these nutrients.

Physiological Effects of Herbs and Spices

A growing area of emerging research is also studying the potential physiological effects of herbs and spices. While more data are needed to determine conclusive results, many spices and herbs contain polyphenolic compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

A recent compendium of review articles describes developing evidence for black pepper, ginger, vanilla, cinnamon, turmeric, and 17 other commonly used spices and herbs. Future research will explore how these and other spices may convey benefits related to weight management, gut health, cognition, heart health, metabolism, and more.

Amplifying Understanding of Spice Benefits

ASTA is excited to spread the word about the growing body of evidence on the health and nutrition benefits of spices and herbs to the spice industry and policymakers. We share public health goals to help consumers build healthy eating patterns, and we encourage all federal agencies to recognize spices’ positive role when developing nutrition policies and regulations.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

We encourage continued recognition of spices’ role in healthy, culturally inclusive, and equitable eating patterns in the 2025-2030 Dietary Guidelines and supporting materials.

Nutrition Labeling

Nutrition Labeling

We support alignment with Dietary Guidelines recommendations and small package allowances so that spices can bear positive nutrition claims, such as “healthy.”

Federal Nutrition Programs

Federal Nutrition Programs

We recommend evidence-based inclusion of spices in feeding programs like school nutrition standards, including appropriate consideration of our global supply chain.

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Communicating the Benefits of Spices to Federal Nutrition Policymakers

Promoting Policies that Recognize the Role of Spices in a Healthy Diet

Health & Wellness Resources

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025

Latest U.S. government advice on what to eat and drink to meet nutrient needs, promote health, and prevent chronic disease. Underpins all federal food and nutrition policy.

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FDA Sodium Reduction Overview

Description of FDA’s outlook on and activities related to sodium reduction. Recognizes spices’ ability to reduce intake.

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USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging: MyPlate for Older Adults

Dietary guidance for older adults that recognizes how spices’ flavor and taste benefits can support sodium reduction and healthy food intake.

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National Cancer Institute Complementary and Alternative Medicine Article

Recognizes intake of herbs and spices (e.g., turmeric and cinnamon) as biologically based complementary or alternative medicine practices.

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American Heart Association Sodium Conference Proceedings

Published article reviewing the sodium reduction and replacement benefits conveyed by seasonings, spices, and herbs.

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McCormick Science Institute

The McCormick Science Institute Research Program sponsors research at leading universities and research institutions.

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