Growing our impact through collaboration around shared objectives

Coalitions and Global Leadership

One of ASTA’s strategic goals is to collaborate with other organizations that share the same objectives on an issue. This allows ASTA to have a stronger impact on industry change, education, and public policy. 

Benefits of Coalitions and Partnerships

Facilitate the sharing of information

Our partners enable us to gain access to a wider range of resources and information, enhancing the quality of initiatives by ensuring that comprehensive data and insights inform decisions. Information-sharing can also generate collective, cross-sector problem-solving efforts for more innovative and effective solutions.

Efficient use of organizational resources

Through coalitions and partnerships, ASTA can share resources such as research, data, and information, reducing the duplication of effort and the expenses associated with doing this work on an individual level.

Better representation of industry interests

By partnering with like-minded organizations, ASTA can consolidate advocacy efforts. These partnerships can lead to greater impact and change through our united front on regulatory and legislative issues. We are also better able to anticipate and adapt to policy changes that may affect different parts of the spice trade and food industry.

Grow relationship network

Participation in various industry coalitions and partnerships allows ASTA to expand its network of contacts and grow its influence. ASTA also values the diverse perspectives and relationships gained through these partnerships.

Coalition Memberships

The American Spice Trade Association holds long-standing membership in several well-established coalitions. ASTA also works with industry partners on an as-needed basis and may form loose coalitions in varying degrees of formality to share information or collaborate on a more narrow set of objectives. ASTA industry coalition membership and partnerships include:

3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc.: Hygienic by Design (3-A SSI) - Affiliate Member

3-A SSI advances food safety goals through collaboration on hygienic equipment design. Affiliate Member organizations have a unique opportunity to lead the development of specialized education and training programs to meet the needs of their members. This includes participation on key committees that plan the annual 3-A SSI Summit on Hygienic Design. Members of 3-A SSI Affiliate Member organizations also benefit from full access to 3-A SSI Knowledge Resources and authorities, as well as reduced registration fees for the Summit.

Alliance for a Stronger FDA - Member

Funding for the FDA has not kept pace with the FDA’s additional responsibilities. The FDA needs more resources to fulfill its mission, and the Alliance works with Congress to build support for more Congressional funding for the FDA.

Food & Beverage Issues Alliance (FBIA) - Treasurer

The Food and Beverage Issue Alliance (FBIA) is dedicated to advancing the food and beverage industries by remaining current on industry issues, trends, and actions required to remove obstacles and challenges and support the industry for the greatest success. FBIA represents nearly 60 allied U.S.-based national Food and Beverage Trade Associations. The FBIA, through collaboration with regulatory authorities, ensures that food and beverage regulations and guidance are justified by verifiable, peer-reviewed, published science that is accessible through an open and transparent process and enhances consumer understanding. In addition, FBIA works to ensure regulation implementation timelines are reasonable, achievable, and economically feasible for both small and large food and beverage manufacturers.

Food Industry Codex Coalition - Member

The Food Industry Codex Coalition (FICC) represents over 70 U.S. food companies, beverage companies, and trade associations keenly interested in the international standard-setting activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The primary objective of the FICC, which represents the entire food chain from production to retail, is to advocate for international food standards and policies based on science.


Global Leadership

The American Spice Trade Association recognizes that the spice industry is inherently global. Spices are sourced from countries all over the world, and the industry supports the livelihoods of farmers in many low and middle income nations. ASTA is also dedicated to supporting international sustainability initiatives within the spice industry. 

ASTA's global leadership positions include:

The International Association of Spice Trade Associations is made up of spice associations from around the world who work together on global issues of importance to the spice industry. IOSTA brings together these associations to address common issues and seek sensible solutions to ensure industry sustainability. Because food safety is of the utmost importance to the worldwide spice industry, IOSTA works to advance education on Good Agricultural Practices to protect consumers and comply with regulatory requirements.

Sustainable Spices Initiative (SSI)
SSI is a consortium of partners committed to sustainable value chains. ASTA and SSI have formalized a joint commitment and partnership to promote sustainability in the global spice industry through the development of education, shared resources, and targeted farmer initiatives. Founded under IDH, the Sustainable Spice Initiative advocates for sustainable practices to transform economic growth in producing countries. It is a champion for several goals codified in the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development, including no poverty, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, decent work, and economic growth, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life on land, and partnerships for the goals.

IOSTA Members