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Advocacy for the American Spice Industry

ASTA: Your Voice in the Spice Trade

The American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) is dedicated to advocating for the interests of our members and the broader spice industry. We serve as a crucial link between the federal and state regulatory bodies and our members, ensuring that the voices of the spice trade are heard and considered in policy decisions that directly impact our industry.

How ASTA advocates for the U.S. spice industry.

Regulatory Liaison

ASTA maintains a close relationship with key regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP). We ensure that the spice industry is represented in discussions about compliance and enforcement issues.

Legislative Monitoring

Our team keeps a close eye on the legislative landscape, tracking pending activity that could affect the spice industry. We keep our members informed about relevant developments and advocate for the industry's interests in legislative discussions.


ASTA maintains a robust communication network, keeping our members informed about relevant policy changes, regulatory updates, and other important industry news. We leverage newsletters, webinars, and committee meetings to disseminate information and gather feedback.


We represent the spice industry's positions on key issues by submitting comments and letters on proposed rules and regulations, meeting with government officials, and going on the record to advocate for our members' interests.


ASTA is a collaborative force within the spice industry. We work closely with task forces and industry coalitions, ensuring that our advocacy efforts are aligned with the broader industry goals.


Beyond mere representation, ASTA also works to educate our members about regulatory changes and compliance requirements. We leverage our expertise to help our members navigate the complexities of the spice trade.

Advocacy in action

ASTA actively engages with U.S. agencies, voicing the industry's stance and concerns on pertinent issues that impact the spice trade. This library of statements and positions reflects ASTA’s continuous commitment to safeguarding the industry’s interests, promoting fair regulations, and working through the challenges facing the spice industry.

Explore All Comments & Positions

Asta advocacy regulations
Adulteration and Contamination Prevention

Advocating for fair and practical regulations

From economically motivated adulteration to unintentional contamination, including concerns about heavy metals, we work tirelessly to address these multifaceted challenges. We advocate for fair and practical regulations and educate our members on best practices to ensure the safety, purity, and quality of their spice products.

Asta advocacy safety
Food Safety & Treatment Methods

Ensuring spice safety and purity

ASTA is committed to ensuring the safety and purity of spices in the American market. Our focus encompasses microbial hazards like Salmonella, potential allergens, and physical contaminants. We work closely with regulatory bodies like the FDA and EPA to advocate for practical and effective treatment methods, such as irradiation and gas treatments. We also provide educational resources to our members, helping them understand and implement safety measures to maintain the integrity of their products.

Asta advocacy power
Health Benefits

Promoting the Power of Spices

ASTA recognizes the numerous health benefits associated with spices. From antioxidants to anti-inflammatory properties, spices can play a significant role in a healthy diet. We advocate for research and education to highlight these benefits, and we help our members communicate the health attributes of their products effectively.

Asta advocacy green

Advocating for a Greener Spice Trade

ASTA is committed to promoting sustainability within the spice industry. We advocate for environmentally friendly farming practices, responsible sourcing, and waste reduction. We work with our members and regulatory bodies to develop and implement sustainability initiatives that benefit the environment, the spice trade, and consumers.

Asta advocacy collab

Collaborating for a Stronger Industry

ASTA believes in the power of collaboration. We work closely with other industry coalitions, both domestically and internationally, to address common challenges and advocate for the spice trade. Our partnerships strengthen our advocacy efforts and ensure a unified voice for the spice industry.