ASTA Letter to Chairman Dingell on Proposed Food Safety Legislation
ASTA sent a letter to to Chairman Dingell of the U.S. House of Representatives expressing support for ensuring the safety of the nation's food supply through a well-funded FDA while opposing certain provisions, including those of proposed taxes on food facilities and importers, facility certification requirements for all food imports, and new regulatory requirements such as labeling mandates and civil penalties.
04/23/2008 at 5:15 am
Related Resources
ASTA Comments to FDA on Sesame Allergens
ASTA issued comments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in December 2018 in response to the FDA's Request for Comment on Sesame as an Allergen in Foods. The comments support labeling sesame as a major allergen, provided that sufficient time is offered to implement new labeling and GMP requirements.
ASTA Letter to Senate Leadership Opposing Food Safety Exemptions for Small Businesses
ASTA issued a letter to Tom Harkin, Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, in November 2019 regarding concerns with the Senators Tester and Hagan amendment from the "Food Safety Modernization Act" exempting small entities.