ASTA Comments to NOSB on Sunset Status of Silicon Dioxide
ASTA issued comments to the National Organic Standards Board in April 2021 on the proposed Handling Subcommittee's recommendations to the NOSB. Comments support the continued listing of silicon dioxide on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances and provide additional information to answer the NOSB Handling Subcommittee's questions.
04/05/2021 at 5:15 am
Related Resources
ASTA Comments on USDA National Organic Program, Sunset Review
ASTA issued comments to the National Organic Program in August 2005 and in response to the "National Organic Program, Sunset Review" notice, urging the National Organic Standards Board to renew the exemptions allowing the use of certain nonorganic items as ingredients in processed products labeled as “organic” or made with organic.
ASTA Comments to Strengthening Organic Enforcement Proposed Rule
ASTA issued comments to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in October 2020 on the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service National Organic Program Proposed Rule on Strengthening Organic Enforcement. Comments address a variety of topics related to applicability and exemptions from certification, labeling of nonretail containers, and grower group operations.