2022 Technical Presentation: Transportation Mitigation
This presentation was provided at ASTA's 2022 Annual Meeting. The presenter, Danielle Negueloua, presented on Lightening the Load: Key Strategies to Mitigate Supply Chain Challenges, including the main causes of supply chain challenges, an internal review on all vendor/trade lanes, possible delivery alternatives, and partner vs. provider.
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2016 Regulatory Presentation: FDA - International Food System Recognition Agreements
"This presentation was provided at the 2016 Regulatory Workshop. Camille E. Brewer, M.S., R.D., Director, International Affairs Staff, Office of Foods and Veterinary Medicine and Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA presented on FDA systems recognition, including definition, benefits, how countries are recognized, and next steps. FDA - International Food System Recognition Agreements. Get a better understanding of Food System Recognition Agreements (FSRAs) and their role in food safety. Find out what these agreements mean for the spice industry, what countries currently have FSRAs with the United States, and the potential for expansion of that list.
2013 Regulatory Update: Trade Sanction Compliance for US Importers from A to Z
This presentation was provided at the 2013 Regulatory and Legislative Workshop in October. The presenter, Melissa A. Miller Proctor, presented on agencies involved in international trade, OFAC embargoes, and Economic sanctions, blocking statutes, customs, and border protection import restrictions, consequences of non-compliance, and importer best practices for trade sanctions compliance.