Letter to New York State Director of Food Safety and Inspection on Proposed Heavy Metal Limits in Spices
This document is a letter sent to New York State Director of Food Safety and Inspection, Dan McCarthy, outlining outstanding questions on the status and scope of New York's proposed recall action levels for heavy metals in spices, as well as expressing concerns on the proposed levels.
11/09/2022 at 12:00 am
Related Resources
Letter to the Editor on Proposed Heavy Metal Limits for Spices in New York
This is ASTA's response to New York State's new regulatory policies for heavy metals in spices published in the Journal of Regulatory Science. The publication points out critical issues in New York State's exposure assessment and key concerns regarding achievability, and unintended consequences from the implementation of the proposed recall action levels.
Coalition Letter to Governor Hochul on Proposed Heavy Metal Limits for Spices in New York
This is a letter from ASTA and other associations to the Governor of New York State written in April 2022 regarding class II recall limits for heavy metals in spices. The letter expresses concerns about the proposed recall action levels and requests a meeting with the office.