ASTA Administration Policy, A-14: Crisis Management/Communications Plan
This is ASTA's policy document regarding crisis management and crisis communications. ASTA will have a Crisis Management/Communications Plan detailing specific actions to be taken in the event of a crisis impacting the spice industry to protect the reputation of the association, the spice industry, and ASTA members.
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Related Resources
ASTA Programs Policy, F-03: Arbitration Program
This is ASTA's policy document regarding ASTA's Arbitration Program. Consistent with Article X of the By-Laws, ASTA shall maintain an appropriate arbitration program to facilitate the resolution of business matters arising under transactions involving an ASTA contract to assist members in the resolution of disputes (defaults or quality claims) related to goods traded on ASTA contracts.
ASTA Administration Policy, A-13: Conflict of Interest
This is ASTA's policy document regarding conflict of interest. This policy serves the purpose of assuring that ASTA conducts its business in a fair and equitable manner that is in the best interest of the association.