ASTA Administration Policy, A-12: Logo Usage
This is ASTA's policy document regarding logo usage. It states that ASTA maintains control over the usage of its logo by members, with the purpose of ensuring ASTA members use the logo in the proper way and to preserve its integrity.
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Related Resources
Membership Policy F-05: Requests for Information
This is ASTA's policy document regarding requests for information. As a benefit of membership, ASTA members shall receive assistance from ASTA in locating appropriate resources on technical, regulatory and other industry related issues to assure that appropriate information is provided to members and that non members are aware that this is a benefit of membership.
ASTA Programs Policy, F-06: Legislative/Regulatory Platform & Position Statements
This is ASTA's policy document regarding programs and outlines Legislative/Regulatory Platform & Position Statements. ASTA monitors and supports legislative and regulatory issues consistent with its mission and strategic plan to ensure the appropriateness of the positions being advocated by ASTA.