ASTA Programs Policy, F-03: Arbitration Program
This is ASTA's policy document regarding ASTA's Arbitration Program. Consistent with Article X of the By-Laws, ASTA shall maintain an appropriate arbitration program to facilitate the resolution of business matters arising under transactions involving an ASTA contract to assist members in the resolution of disputes (defaults or quality claims) related to goods traded on ASTA contracts.
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Related Resources
ASTA Finance Policy, D-02: Fund Balance
This is ASTA's policy document regarding fund balance. ASTA will maintain a fund balance to ensure the long-term viability of ASTA and sustain ASTA programs and reserves.
ASTA Administration Policy, A-01: Membership Applications
This is ASTA's policy document regarding membership applications. An application for membership shall be thoroughly reviewed by the Executive Director and Board of Directors prior to the acceptance of the application to ensure that membership applications are complete and appropriate for action.