ASTA Committees Policy, C-02: General Activity Committees
This is ASTA's policy document regarding general activity committees. Consistent with Article VIII, Section 2 of the By-Laws, the Board may appoint such general activity committees as needed for the success of the association to allow the Board, with an appropriate degree of flexibility, to appoint committees that are relevant to the association’s current interests while allowing for the ability to disband committees that are no longer needed.
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Related Resources
ASTA Administration Policy, A-15: Privacy Policy
This is ASTA's policy document regarding ASTA's privacy policy; the American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) is committed to protecting individual member volunteer privacy. This Privacy Policy describes how ASTA collects, uses, and shares member information when individual members utilize ASTA services including, but not limited to, registering or otherwise participating in any ASTA event or meeting, participating in ASTA surveys, and accessing and using all ASTA operated and controlled websites.
ASTA Finance Policy, D-07: Collection of Dues from Members Affected by Mergers and Acquisitions
This is ASTA's policy document regarding the collection of dues from members affected by mergers and acquisitions. The policy outlines how the Association addresses the collection of dues of members subject to merger or acquisition transactions.