ASTA Comments on Bioterrorism Registration of Food Facilities
ASTA issued comments to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in May 2004 regarding the registration of food facilities under the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002.
05/11/2004 at 5:15 am
Related Resources
ASTA Letter to Chairman Dingell on Proposed Food Safety Legislation
ASTA sent a letter to to Chairman Dingell of the U.S. House of Representatives expressing support for ensuring the safety of the nation's food supply through a well-funded FDA while opposing certain provisions, including those of proposed taxes on food facilities and importers, facility certification requirements for all food imports, and new regulatory requirements such as labeling mandates and civil penalties.
NCFIA Comments Regarding FDA/CBP Coordination on Prior Notice Requirements
NCFIA issued comments to the Food and Drug Administration in May 2004 regarding joint FDA and Customs and Border Protection plans for increasing integration and assessing the coordination of prior notice timeframes.