2014 Regulatory Update: US Codex and Global Harmonization of Food Regulations in Regards to Spices
This presentation was provided at the 2014 Regulatory Workshop. The presenter, Mary Frances Lowe, presented on science-based standards for the global marketplace: codex alimentarius and spices.
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2020 Regulatory Presentation: Cross-Border Trade in Spices
This presentation was provided at the 2020 Regulatory Workshop. The presenter, Maile Gradison Hermida, presented on regulatory issues pertaining to Cross-border Trade in Spices, especially updates and trends impacting US and Global supply chains.
2016 Regulatory Presentation: FDA - International Food System Recognition Agreements
"This presentation was provided at the 2016 Regulatory Workshop. Camille E. Brewer, M.S., R.D., Director, International Affairs Staff, Office of Foods and Veterinary Medicine and Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA presented on FDA systems recognition, including definition, benefits, how countries are recognized, and next steps. FDA - International Food System Recognition Agreements. Get a better understanding of Food System Recognition Agreements (FSRAs) and their role in food safety. Find out what these agreements mean for the spice industry, what countries currently have FSRAs with the United States, and the potential for expansion of that list.