Archive by Author

ASTA COVID-19 Resources Available-Newly Updated

ASTA continues to update a resource guide on the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with helpful information for the spice industry. The resource guide is designed to include information about the impact of COVID-19 on the food industry and links to information from government agencies to help members stay up to date with the latest information.

Register today for ASTA’s Webinar – FDA Presents Validation Information for Spice Companies

FDA will present information to spice companies on what spice companies must provide to FDA when it comes to validation studies, reconditioning requests for spices that are detained at the port of entry, and what the FDA expects for spice companies trying to remove a product from an import alert. This webinar presentation will be […]

Check Sample Program

Registration for the 2020 ASTA Check Sample Program has been extended to Friday, January 17, 2020.  The ASTA Check Sample Program is open to both ASTA members and non-members worldwide. As an ASTA program, the usage of ASTA methods is required.