Annual Meeting Program Planning

This committee and the working group meet from July through November by conference call to plan all the education sessions for the Annual Meeting and Symposium by identifying experts to speak on topics of interest, reaching out to experts through direct or industry contacts, and assisting with finalizing sessions. This committee begins in the summer for a full program that can be confirmed in the fall and marketing materials can be developed and ready when registration opens in early January. At the meeting, some of the volunteers may be asked to participate in the program by introducing sessions.

Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee Member Roster 2024-2025

Purpose: Plan all the education sessions for the Annual Meeting


  • Identify experts to speak on topics of interest
  • Reach out to experts through direct or industry contacts, and assist
    with finalizing sessions
  • Introduce sessions
    Timeline: The committee meets from July through November by
    a conference call to confirm sessions and speakers
Brad Gampper(Chair), Reiga Foods

ASTA Staff Liaison

Margarita Passero  
Laura Shumow